Hi, and welcome to Personal Secretary Services!!
I am very excited to launch my new on-line secretarial services business!
Firstly, I would like to give a a huge thank you and share my deep appreciation to Sander de Wijs from De Grinthorst, for designing and creating this beautiful website. His creativity and hard work has provided this business with a wonderful home on the internet and a place where our clients and I can communicate and develop a great working platform.
Lastly – for my first post anyway! – I would like to introduce myself to those visiting our site. My name is Ilana van Geijn and I am the founder of Personal Secretary Services. I am thrilled to be able to share with you my enthusiasm for this new project, which is to use this amazing technology which we have available to us to develop a smarter, easier and more economical way to bring secretarial services to anyone who needs them.
So, please contact me here at Personal Secretary Services, so we can begin working together to make your business run like clockwork!